Sunday, July 28, 2013

So much for blogging, let's try novel writing?

I am really not very good at this. That much is clear.

My last post, "Things I've Learned", has sat as a draft for about three weeks now, sadly. I hit "Publish" after writing that much (even though I wasn't finished), but it never cleared and actually published apparently. So I apologize fully for leaving my loyal readers in the dark for about a month now. Shameful. I'm going to attempt to fill in the gaps with this post and give you an idea of why blogging has been knocked down a few priorities. That being said, I am SO thankful for all of the texts, messages, and even mail from home! They have meant so much and have truly been a huge encouragement.

Ohh where to start? Everything here is a great experience. To name a few...

~Singing at the Fishermen's Mission: Rhona, a lady from the church, asked me upon my arrival if I would come sing a few songs for a thank-you luncheon for the volunteers that work at the Fishermen's Mission in Aberdeen. Sure, I thought. So, that Monday, we went up the road to the city and I got to sing some old Scottish folk tunes and old hymns to a bunch of lovely Scotsmen and women. Part of that can be seen here. :)

~Leading worship at the church: This is obvious, but I have to include it. What other twenty-year-old gets to lead a body of believers to the throne of grace every Sunday? Ok, maybe some. What other twenty-year-old gets to lead a body of believers primarily made up of older, wiser, and Scottish people? Definitely not many. The congregation of Stonehaven Baptist have truly been a blessing in areas they don't even know about. Their exuberance and resonance for music on Sunday mornings could put some teenage church camps to shame. Not that it's a competition- we are all ONE in Christ- but you get the idea. I appreciate their patience with my occasional lack of rhythm, clarity, and/or lyrics. It's been a blessing to get back to the depth of some old hymns and find new ways to apply more contemporary worship as well. I am thankful for Nathan's patience in working with me as well since we have had maybe one week in which everything has gone "as planned". Maybe next week he will get an accurately timed service for future planning purposes. I also appreciate the lessons he has taught me about effective worship and the thoughtfulness he brings to each week's service. All things that will undoubtedly change the way I think about and lead worship when I come home.

~Holiday Zone Time: We had a blast teaching the preschoolers through 5-year-olds at Holiday Zone Time (think VBS) earlier this month! I got to be in charge of music, so that was good fun. I have some great preschool songs about how great God is to get stuck in my suitemates' heads this coming year, hand motions included. I loved seeing the kids get excited about the music and the motions, but more importantly I loved watching them listen to the lessons about God's faithfulness and remember the stories later in the week. We made some great connections with the kids from the community and their families, and I am excited to hear about what God does through those relationships in the autumn when the year-round Zone Time starts back up again. I'll be putting up a video of one of our songs later unless I can compress it to blogspot's restrictions, but here's some pictures:

~Ceilidh: Yep, I got to experience traditional Scottish dancing. Think contra-dancing with a few more hops and spinning involved. We had one of these dances at the end of our Zone Time week as a send-off for the American team that came over to help us with the week. It was a great evening for all...lots of food and fellowship and a game or two that left me with bruises the next day. All worth the laughter. Pictures here:

~Piano Lessons: Since Zone Time, I've had the opportunity to teach piano lessons and basic music theory! I have truly found my element. I mean, I've known this for a bit now, but getting to actually apply it has confirmed that I am on the right track as far as my university studies right now. The combination of the musical skills I've developed and my Type-A personality have definitely destined me for #teacherlife. Make that #musicteacherlife. The high I feel when I finish a lesson is probably nothing compared to the obliteration my students feel (from too much information), but God has definitely made it clear that this is what I'm supposed to be doing. In what capacity or where is still a mystery, but I'm glad we've got the basics figured out. Funny thing is, I am really enjoying the adults I'm teaching, almost-dare I say it-more than the kids? Who knows, maybe He just knows He'll have to give me a lot more patience than I currently have to work with kids forever and isn't going to do that? Time will tell :) Here's pictures of my "classroom" and some students in action:

That's all for now, but know that this is only the tip of the Scottish adventure-berg. :) More (hopefully) coming soon!

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