Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Three Weeks to Go!

My flight is officially booked! Attached is a picture of my excited face. I will be flying out June 11th around 5:30 pm! I am so very thankful for those of you who have so generously given toward my trip, and I am confident that He who is able to accomplish immeasurably more will provide the remainder! Beyond that, I have been completely overwhelmed by all the encouragement I've received via email, social media, snail mail, and most importantly, PRAYER. Knowing that I have an army of prayer warriors supporting me is a huge blessing and I am so thankful for all of you! Please continue to pray for me as I practice, prepare my heart, and pack for the trip! Alliteration, I know. On top of that, please pray that opportunities to carry the Name above names will open up frequently and that hearts will be broken for the Truth. I am SO excited to see what God does in Stonehaven this summer and my prayer is that He will use me in any and every way to bring glory to His Name! Love y'all!

(Attached is a sneak peek of the view I'll get to enjoy while I'm in Stonehaven.)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mission Approved!

My internship application has been approved by Biblical Ministries Worldwide, so my trip to Scotland is officially official through a mission board! Along with some other technical details, they are able to provide a tax deductible receipt for any gifts given under my name for my trip! If you are interested in giving this way, visit their How To Support page here: for that information. If you have already given to me directly and would like to receive a tax deductible receipt, please contact me and I will arrange for that!
I will have more information about this in the next day, but I wanted to let y'all know that this is now an option! Thank you again for all of your support-emotionally, spiritually, and financially!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thank you so far!

I moved home today and was greeted with several envelopes from some dear folks! I am already a quarter of the way to having my trip paid for and I'm so appreciative of God's provision! Please continue to pray for the details to march along smoothly!